Категория: Биология


Автор: Foziljonov Shukrullo Fayzullo Ugli



Foziljonov Shukrullo Fayzullo ugli Numonjonov Mukhiddin Gulomjon ugli Andijan State University Gul amj on22 @gmail .com shukrullofoziljonov@gmail.com

Abstract: In this article, cultivated squash species belonging to the genus Cucurbitaceae Juss (Cucurbita L.), botanical and morphophysiological characteristics of their most cultivated varieties, the chemical composition of some species, some biologically and chemically active for seed germination detailed information on the effects of substances as well as various factors.The main purpose of this study is to determine the laws of seasonal growth and development, composition, and importance of melon seeds for the most widely grown varieties of melons in the country and some imported hybrids.

Pumpkin (Cucurbita L.) is a branch of the magnolia (Magnoliophyta) of the genus of higher plants, a class of magnolias (Magnoliopsida), a subclass of the field (Dilleniidae), a genus of pumpkins (Cucurbitales), a genus of pumpkins (Cucurbita). 11-18 p].

The biological properties of squash and the relationship to external environmental factors are diverse. It is a heat-loving plant, and it quickly dies from the cold. The seeds of this plant begin to germinate at a temperature of+15, +20 ° C, but the optimum temperature for germination is +25... + 30°C. This temperature does not occur at the time of sowing, so the temperature of + 18.+ 20°C is damaged for the germination of pumpkin seeds.

The optimum temperature for squash to grow and develop before harvest is + 24.+ 28°C on sunny days and + 18.+ 22°C on non-sunny days. The optimum temperature at harvest is + 24- + 30°C during the day and + 16°C at night. If the air temperature is below +15 ° C during the day, plant growth and development will slow down, and pollen formation will be disrupted. Typically, in sunny and hot weather conditions, many members of the squash family experience dryness and withering of the leaves and retention of the leaves after the emergence of a cool, optimal environment.

The squash plant has different interactions with some microorganisms and plants (allelopathy), for example: when the plant is planted in melons and canopies, the amount of monosaccharides in the pollen (hybrid) fruits is normal. This makes the pumpkin flesh rich in juice.

While fungi have a detrimental effect on the squash by breaking down its skin and composition, the bacteria touch the air by breaking down the mucous layer that surrounds the seed, causing the seed to germinate and allow light to pass through the fruit walls. due to which the seeds turn green.

Pumpkin seeds are sown in late April-early May at a rate of 4-6 kg/ha. Initially, the seeds are soaked in a 3-5% solution of common salt (NaCl), the sediment is removed and washed in clean water. Seeds are sown at 12-15 degrees to a depth of 57 cm using two sowing units of SBU-2-4A melon in a ribbon-like and single-row 180 x 90 cm method [2, 40-45 p]. It develops normally at a temperature of 20-30°C. During the growing season, the ends of the stalks are plowed and worked between the rows to increase the yield.

In the experiment, it took 14 days for the seeds to germinate when the pumpkin variety was sown according to the above sowing methods in order to study the germination period. If the optimal environment for pumpkin seeds is created in the soil, properly treated with chemically active substances before planting, various agronomic measures are taken to protect against weeds and various other microorganisms, its germination phase is reduced to 7-10 days. In addition, the vegetation period of the plant will be shortened and it will be possible to get the harvest as soon as possible in accordance with human interests.

The yield of pumpkin depends on the quality of the seeds. Therefore, the seeds should be treated before sowing, as they are fermented in various salts, vitamins, auxins, trace elements. Based on these data, we studied the effect of various chemical and biologically active substances on the germination of pumpkin seeds stored for several years. The experiments were carried out in the following scheme:

1. Option: Group treated with potassium permanganate solution;
2. Option: Group treated with Potash (potassium carbonate) solution;
3. Option: Group treated with a solution of kainite (calcium nitrate);
4. Option: Group treated with a solution of salt (sodium chloride);
5. Option: Group treated with hydrogen peroxide solution;
6. Option: Group treated with Nurell D solution;
7. Option: Group treated with Detsis solution;
8. Option: Group treated with 15-30-15 TE solution;
9. Option: Control, unprocessed group;

For the experiment, 10 (for each variant) seeds of the squash plant pumpkin variety were counted and placed in sterilized containers. It was studied on the basis of

Leurda&s manual "International rules for determining the quality of semen" [3]. Different concentrations of the above substances and distilled water for control were used to study the effect of chemicals on seed germination.

Table. 1

Fertility of pumpkin seeds in different solutions

Experience ^^ options solutions ^^ Number of ^^ seeds, solution C% Number of seeds germinated, % Average Forgetfulness %

Experiment duration, day and initial root length (cm)

7 9/cm 11 13/cm 15/cm
1 Potassium permanganate 10 1% 0 10 3 50 65 7 80 8 41,0
2 Potash (potassium carbonate) 10 7% 0 15 4 65 85 8 100 9 53,0
3 Kalnit (calcium nitrate) 10 5% 0 10 3 45 60 5 80 6 39,0
4 Salt (sodium chloride) 10 3% 10 45 4 70 90 7 100 9 63,0
5 Hydrogen peroxide 10 0,4 % 10 30 6 60 75 9 90 10 53,0
6 Nurell D 10 0,3 % 0 10 3 30 40 6 65 7 29,0
7 Detsis 10 0,2 % 0 5 2 25 40 5 60 6 26,0
8 15-30-15 TE 10 1% 20 50 5 75 100 9 100 11 69,0
9 Control water 10 0 20 3 50 70 7 100 8 48,0

The experiments were performed under laboratory conditions in a special cabinet at a temperature of 16-20°C. The results of the experiment were studied within 15 days from the start of the study. The results of the experiment were repeated 3-4 times. As can be seen from Table 1, the seeds were treated with 15-30-15TE (N-15%, P205-30%, K2O-15%, Zn, B, Mn, Co, Cu) 7 days after germination. In option 8, 2/10 of the seeds of the pumpkin variety, or 20%, germinated.

The seeds in the control have not yet sprouted at this time. The difference between the germination efficiency of the controlled seeds and the seeds of variant 8 is more than 20% and we can see the difference in the thickness of the primary root. In another variant, variant 4, we can see the same effect under the influence of table

salt, in which 10% of the seeds germinated on day 7, in which case the difference in the percentage of germination of seeds was 10% greater than that of water.

The environment in this solution seemed to have a positive effect on the seeds.This condition of seed germination lasted until the 15th day of the experiment. When the seeds of all variants were compared, the germination rate in variant 8 averaged 69%. while Nurell D in Option 6 had an average yield of 29% and Detsis in Option 7 had an average yield of 26%, while the yield was 21% higher than in water and the rooting rate was at its maximum.

This means that the difference between these pesticides in terms of seed germination and control water was 19% less in Option 6 and 22% in Option 7. This effect was also observed in solutions 1-3 with relatively low permeability.Our research suggests that some of the chemicals studied slow down the release of pumpkin seeds from dormancy, while others increase or decrease fertility.

In conclusion, it is possible to study the germination period of the pumpkin plant and, depending on human needs, to create an optimal environment in the soil for pumpkin seeds in order to shorten its germination phase to 7-10 days and get a high yield. It is more expedient to carry out various agro-technical measures to protect against weeds and various other microorganisms, treated in moderation from chemically active substances. In addition, on private farms, growing more of this crop and increasing its consumption will have a positive effect on public health and the prevention of various diseases.


1. Pratov.O&.P, Nabiyev.M.M. Modern system of higher plants of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. Teacher- 2007. pp. 11-18
2. Technology and ecology of medicinal plants. Tashkent. Thought Garden 2018. 40-45 b
3. Leurda I.G. International rules for determining the quality of seeds/translation from English by N.A. Emelyanova. M. Kolos, 1969.182 p.
4. Foziljonov Shukrullo (2020). RARE TYPES OF IRIDACEAE REPRESENTATIVES IN THE FERGANA VALLEY: IRIS WINKLERII. Science and Education, 1 (1), 34-36. doi: https://doi.org/10.24412/FiCpsT5BiLg
cucurbitaceae juss cucurbita l chemical composition сucurbita fructus grow vegetation time medicaments
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