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Regularities and principles of health culture development process among people of mature age

Автор: Irina Yu. Burkhanova

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-2-61-70

Regularities and principles of health culture development process among

people of mature age

Irina Yu. Burkhanova*, Elena V. Bystritskaya, Svetlana S. Ivanova, Oleg A. Musin

K. Minin State Pedagogical University Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-7954-2341, irina2692007@yandex.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-1613-1035, oldlady@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-6824-2530, svetlana-604@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-8407-1700, mysin332@mail.ru

Abstract: Culture of health is socially significant personified phenomenon. It is based on terminal values, harmony, order, beauty and health. In the middle of the 20th century there was a social tendency of health value increase, than the value of freedom. However, till now no integral methodological basis of health culture formation, as a harmonizing source of social, psychic and physical rehabilitation of mature age people, are created. Materials. Regularities and methodical approaches of health culture formation determination among people of different periods of adulthood on the basis of pedagogical science and practice achievements. Research methods. Information sources, the experience of health forming technologies use analysis and summarizing, conceptions of health improvement and health culture formation analysis. Results. The authors present methodological approaches, principles and regularities of health culture formation organization and self-organization among people of mature age, based on the reflexion of health-forming technologies use experience, analysis of health improving concepts and creative worldview formation in different age groups. Conclusion. The results can be used in the organizations. They form and develop health culture in mature age people and can be used by professionals in this sphere and by the subjects of health-forming activity. Keywords: health culture, synergistic, polypositional and personality-activity based approach.

For citation: Irina Yu. Burkhanova*, Elena V. Bystritskaya, Svetlana S. Ivanova, Oleg A. Musin.

Regularities and principles of health culture development process among people of mature age. Russian

Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(2): 50-57. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-2-61-70


In modern conditions special attention is paid to the processes of health formation and health protection in the research works of the specialists. However, integral basis of health culture formation process in people of mature age are not sufficiently presented in research works. The research works are mainly dedicated to longevity, own health protection, physical aspect of health, but less works are dedicated to psychological aspect and only some works are directed toward worldview, axiological and activity based basis of health formation creation. All these positions are combined by "health culture" notion.

Health culture is considered to be the part of a person&s general culture. It reflects attitude to own health and health of people around. It supports healthy life style and includes different components. Health culture is a special image of a person&s life

directed toward diseases prevention and health strengthening [13].

Skuminin V.A. gave the following definition of health culture: "fundamental science about spiritual humanity. It creates and solves prospective objectives of a spiritual person&s harmonious psycho-physical development, ethnos evolution as a realized creator of cultural healthy sphere of life" [19]. Following the author&s position, health culture can be presented as an integral part of spiritualmoral culture, culture of labor and rest, culture of a personality and culture of interrelations. It includes the whole diversity of humanity achievements in such spheres as art, science, education and upbringing. Health culture should be considered as a social inheritance. It regulates creative activity in the sphere of health. It determines hierarchy of values and priorities of each individual and society in general.

In the opinion of L.N. Voloshina, health culture reflects not only knowledge in the sphere of science and health, but also the ability to use this information during healthy life style [6]. At the same time mature personalities are not only the carriers, but also the organizers of own family health culture. That is why it is important to form not only their processes and phenomenon of health culture, but it is also important for their referent group, that is why they should fulfill realized systematic actions and relations. They fully condition the importance of own health and society health. It depends on a healthy life style and the attitude to other people health [3,4,15].

Environmental factors of health culture formation and development are mentioned in the works by O.L. Treshcheva. The author mentions that health culture has a harmonious and realized attitude to nature and society [20]. Formed health culture is able to influence the relations of a person with the environment. He is also able to form his ability to create health-forming environment. The auithor mentions that health culture should have scientific organization and basis, however, the works don&t present methodological approaches. They can form the base of health culture in mature age people.

In order to define methodological approaches of health culture formation in mature age people it is necessary to consider social tendencies The present activity will be dedicated to overcoming of them.

Social-cultural conditions of modern society lead to division among people even in the structure of modern activity. A person pays attention to own outer and inner processes and perceives oneself less as socially-oriented personality and health culture translator and more as health carrier and health is perceived by him as means of egoistic aims achievement, but not the aim of specially organized activity. Competition increases and motivation of development gives way to superiority aspiration. Consequences are realized by a person only in mature age, when the first problems with physical health and psychic state appear.

Another tendency of modern society development is connected with social processes

globalization and personal competition intensification at a great scale. It leads to objective intellectual processes intensification, activity intensification and to early organism, psyche and personality resources exhaustion. Thus, at a mature age most people have the aim to preserve maximum activity for professional-labor problems solution and realize the actions connected with the appearing disorders correction and compensation. This aim is more realized in terms of longer period of employability in accordance with legislation. It should be noted that within last 20 years most developed countries changed labor legislation increasing retirement age.

Thus, socially and personally significant problem becomes content-technological activity support connected with health culture formation not only in the oncoming generation, but also in people of mature age as socially active subjects in professional sphere, social-cultural environment and family life.

The aim of the author&s research work is regularities and methodological approaches determination concerning health culture formation among people of different periods of maturity on the basis of pedagogical science and practice achievements.

Many authors, for example A.A. Verbitskiy, underline that in the structure of self-education and self-upbringing synergetic approach is active. It considers education and upbringing as an open system [5]. In the opinion of M.M. Knyazeva synergetic approach use in educational process helps to "manage not managing" [14]. This approach is the base for coaching [1,2], where a person is prepared for own realized choice of more favorable for himself process organization. This way it is possible to organize the work with mature age people. They are ready for system reflexion. Their choice can become more successful.

Synergetic approach in health culture formation in mature age people is directed toward:

• an adequate self-attitude to physical, psychic and social health formation in mature age people;

• the attitude to the process of health culture formation, to people, who take part in this

process, results of this process in accordance with scientifically substantiated criteria;

• interrelations development and change in accordance with new type of activity.

Further we present the principles, by means of which synergetic approach is realized in practice of health culture formation in mature age people.

The principle of nonadditivity of interaction proves that one and the sane action (interaction) can lead to different effects. Very often mutually agreed actions summing up, directed toward physical health, ecological health, social comfort and satisfaction with communication formation leads to intensive health culture indices increase. They are reflected in the structure of worldview change. Such kind of actions summing up, which are not coordinated in terms of general aim achievement, can lead to the processes and phenomena of health culture deformation.

The principle of activity integrity. Age related structure of activity, as other new parts of a personality, develop with age and gain the traits of system integrity. If young people have great need for express-inclusion into new kinds of social work, which have quick and definite result, for mature personalities the need for time resource saving is higher than the need for new activity mastering. Thus, they will include new forms of activity into their lives only if they are sure that the result will be important not only at the present moment. The result will be also useful in the future.

The principle of complementarity (Niels Bohr). At some life crossroads (bifurcation points) there happens a conflict situation. It is impossible to solve even a habitual problem with the help of the existing resources [12]. Then it is reasonable to use new resources in terms of own physical, psychic and social health. They didn&t belong to this sphere earlier. In this case development leap is possible, as it was with constructor E.A. Alekseev. He combined hydrodynamics and flight and created water crafts with underwater wings.

The principle of a spontaneous interaction appearance (I. Prigozhin). As culture realization has completelyinnovative, creative character and is always strictly individualized, its formation should have creative heuristic character.

In this case a person deeper realizes that he is in a critical state and his worldview rejects to explain his past and regulate his future; it means that there appeared the moment for the whole personality&s worldview system organization into another state. It is better when this process happens stepwise, on the basis of "insight" (S.V. Dmitriev [11]), when there appears trigger. It changes perception of reality, changes self-attitude. For example, A.S. Makarenko described the technology of collective formation "starting from explosion".

The principle of managing uncertainty (system mutations). System changes appear in terms of uncertainty. A person uses associations and feelings visualization and also other techniques. Spontaneous statements allow a person to organize new and fix better. There appears the process of uncertainty management either in case of needs realization or in case of problems appearance. In this case problems and needs more often are in a social sphere. For their solution it is necessary to have the resources of physical, psychic and social health of a person [6, 18]. The activity, which demands health culture, is the condition for its development.

Polypositional approach to health culture improvement means that in case of different mindsets for health forming activity a person perceives it in the large sense of word - as the space of own productive existence (from the position of a methodologist) and in the restricted sense - from the position utilitarian result (from the position of an estimator), as the object for projection (from the position of educational technologist), as the condition for self-development (from the position of a facilitator) [7, 9, 10]. Mature age people have formed positions concerning themselves, activity, other people. They are ready for these positions use and transformation concerning culture of own health. However, they don&t fully realize it.

Let&s consider theprinciples ofpolypositional approach. They help mature personalities consciously use different positions in terms of the own health control level and successfully realize this approach.

The principle of inhomogeneity of the definite variety of positions. The positions of a person are formed in activity, but not each

activity is leading. Positions, which are formed in different kinds of activity, have different value for a person, the level of development and realization. During health culture projection it is necessary to form the hierarchy of positions for a person, the most important for effective organization of this process and correct them in accordance with the set objectives. For an estimator it is necessary to choose new criteria of analysis and three-component health itself and the phenomenon of health culture. For a methodologist it is necessary to help in strategic and tactical aims of self-development setting.

The principle of positions purposiveness. Each position reflects the definite characteristics, stage or aspect of activity in health culture development. The aim of this activity organizer will be to prevent these positions mismatch. They can lead to inner conflict and effectiveness decrease of aim achievement.

The principle of correspondence. Adequacy of the positions use by a person concerning the process of self-development is best of all demonstrated by the sphere of social activity and if in interaction with other people a person shows the expected position the activity becomes more effective. If a person uses another position, then the activity becomes less effective. In generation gap problem the reason can be that children wait for emotional support from their parents, motivators, kind pieces of advice how to solve the problems. Parents in this case demonstrate the position of an estimator [17]. Thus, for a successful health culture formation in a collective activity the position of a subject should resonate with the position of people, with whom interaction happens.

The principle of intertransfer unity in activity. People with intercomparable positions in activity should change these positions (leader/ conducted, speaker/ audient, internal control/ external control).Mature age subject should be flexible and able to give way to the leading position in activity. In mature age reorientation to priority of personality&s internal control is also necessary.

The principle of action incompleteness. In the opinion of S.V. Dmitriev already formed function doesn&t develop, doesn&t motivate for further activity and a person always

tries to finish unfinished case [12]. It is especially true concerning mature personalities.

The set of synergetic and polypositional approaches in the process of health culture improvement in mature age people is realized in the structure activity and a personality of an individual subject. In this case mature age people form simultaneously the subject of educational activity, subject of health improving activity and also the subject of reflexive-estimating process. In this connection special importance gains personal-activity based approach to health culture improvement among mature age people.

Personal-activity based approach was firstly offered by B.G. Ananev, then research work was continued by I.A. Zimnyaya, I.A. Ilnitskaya, I.Ya. Lerner, V.V. Serikov, E.N. Shiyanov, I.S. Yakimanskaya.

Personal-activity based approach use changes the notion of health forming activity content. It is "educating", knowledge forming, experience forming, self-developmental. In this aspect the first place take personal increments of a person. They happen during the process of his health forming activity. This approach helps to realize the process of personality development and his culture through life. It is necessary to pay special attention to the following principles of personal-activity based approach during the process of health culture development in mature age people.

The principle of success set. Success set itself in terms of mature age people doesn&t have paradigm changes, however, in contrast to youth age success position understanding by a person himself is more important than social acknowledgement. That is why activity directed toward such set formation for mature age people is a work with worldview and world attitude. It can be effective (according to the significance of the result) and procedural (connected with the result achievement in terms of the given resources) and is connected with the opportunity to broaden the resources during the activity and create a new positive environment of interaction.

The principle of choice and freedom of will. The questions of choice in mature age period are the most serious problems, which a person solves. At the same time patterns are formed

most part of which have compelled character. The amount of patterns increase decreases the amount of kinds of activity, where a person can express freedom of will. Also there is the refreshing character of information space of interaction decrease. Health-creating activity is one of the activities, which helps a person to turn to oneself, own physical, psychic and social health and form free patterns. They are demonstrated as health culture phenomenon [8, 16]. This activity can also include other kinds of creative activity. They also provide informative renewal of mature person&s life.

The principle of the realized diversity of interaction forms. Mature age people try to preserve habitual content of interaction in relations and activity. Changes, which are desirable for them, present habitual actions development without changing their inner structure. Thus, given during health-creating activity opportunity of interaction formation will provide successive and noncontroversial health culture process development.

The principle of activity organization rationality. As it was mentioned above, mature people are involved into a new activity only if the predicted results of this activity will be demanded in different spheres of life not only of a person himself, but also in the lives of important for him people and social groups. Thus, the wider the person&s inclusion into health-creating activity is, the bigger is the probability that in terms of inner trajectory change, he will not stay without health resources support.

The principle of self-organization. Training a child to be self-organized is an important objective of upbringing. For self-organization success it is necessary to be sure that the future activity is taken by a subject with all stages, criteria, qualities, characteristics of the process and a result. At the same time, hierarchy in a person&s life changes in course of time and the activity, which a person took as a hobby can become the activity of his life. It means that even for mature people it is necessary to organize special activity connected with thinking interconnection provision between the reason and consequence, the aim and the result, resources and stages of the process and etc..

The principle of status-role selfdetermination. A personality&s self-determination happens during the whole life and is realized in the dialogue. At the same time, a person&s reflexive substructures of Self-concept are formed, such as Self- cognoscible, Self- perceptive, Self-yesterday, Self-today, Self-tomorrow, Self- ideal, Self-real, Self-reflecting. Self-concept change happens in the structure of different kinds of activity and interaction, with different tempo and in different directions. Multidimensional activity connected with own physical, psychic and social health analysis happens on the basis of different criteria and very often reorients all efforts towards the prevailing development of one of these components. Thus, a person positions himself as a transmitter of either physical, or psychic or social health. It contradicts the objectives health culture improvement as the habitus of mature personality self-organization. The mentioned principle use in terms of all components of health helps to specify Self-concept of a mature personality. It becomes an adequate base for aim setting and social realization.

Mentioned above approaches and principles realization is impossible without taking into account the regularities of health culture formation, development, functioning and improvement among the corresponding group of subjects.

The regularity of interdependence of the outer and inner factors of a person&s health. It is by mistake often understood as the regularity of reflecting environment influence on a person&s health state. Its understanding would be not complete without realizing the immutability of feedback. As a happy society consists of happy personalities, the same is health of a society consists of healthy personalities and the kinds of social life include prevailing characteristics of this society members& health. Thus, repeated gradual transmission of a person into the world and the world interiorization in a person demand both groups of factors change in order to develop the system of social-personal interaction.

The regularity of health culture components unity and interaction is the most significant for interaction between the specialists in health creating activity. They pay great attention to biological, psycho-emotional and social-personal

health development, correction and compensation. Such kind of interaction not strictly corresponds with the sequence of rehabilitation procedures. The first place is given to medical rehabilitation, the second place to psychological rehabilitation and then to educational, labor and social rehabilitations. In the individual regimen sequence can be different, the same as the methods and periods of the correcting influence. Taking this regularity into consideration means personified ratio of influences on three components of a person&s health in order to this process optimization. It should be noted that the subject of health creation in terms of adequately organized process of health protection is able to develop self-analysis and self-estimation criteria, own health and pay attention to its components interdependence.

The regularity of needs and resources interconnection in health forming activity initiation. The most difficult in health creation is the activity connected with selecting the most suitable and modern influences on a person&s health, the points of sensitivity, when the subject is ready to take and demand necessary resources and conditions for health creating activity realization. Thus, an adequate determination of a trigger of such activity is necessary to determine a personified trajectory of health culture formation.

The regularity of unity of processes and results of health culture formation and realization shows that activity directed toward the definite competencies formation and the corresponding abilities development is the most favorable condition for these abilities and competencies realization.

Constant need for health culture without the opportunity to renew it leads to subject&s exhaustion. That is why the process of health creation will be less effective, than in case of an integral activity. It provides health culture formation and realization in different spheres of life.

The regularity of interconnection between dispositions and oppositions in interaction of health forming activity subjects. In accordance with the diversity of interaction between relations and communication in social-cultural environment a person&s rolepositions are formed and the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of their combinations in modern society can&t be counted. That is why it is impossible to create the restricted set of successful interaction models between the subjects of health creation. Maximum effective will be the existing positions and oppositions revelation and actualization during the process of health culture formation and their broadening owing to subject&s inclusion into different kinds of health creating and creative activity and also content and subjective notion of this activity provision.

Summing up it would be a mistake to suppose that the process of such important anthropoconstruct development, as health culture at a mature age, is only a personal case of each person and can be organized only on the basis of common sense. As the practice of such social institutions ("Silver University", "All-Russian Physical culture-sports RLD complex for elderly people" and others, connected with this process) functioning showed this work should have system character and have scientific basis. It also concerns philosophic-methodological basis of activity. The authors managed to reveal the regularities and principles of the mentioned process organization on the basis of synergetic, polypositional and personal-activity based approaches use.

The results can be used in the organizations. They form and develop health culture in mature age people and can be used by professionals in this sphere and by the subjects of health-forming activity.


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Submitted: 03.05.2020 Author&s information:

Irina Yu. Burkhanova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, K. Minin State Pedagogical University, 603000, Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanov str., House 1, e-mail: irina2692007@yandex.ru Elena V. Bystritskaya - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, K. Minin State Pedagogical University, 603000, Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanov str., House 1, e-mail: oldlady@mail.ru Svetlana S. Ivanova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, K. Minin State Pedagogical University, 603000, Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanov str., House 1, e-mail: Svetlana-604@mail.ru Oleg A. Musin - Lecturer, K. Minin State Pedagogical University, 603000, Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanov str., House 1, e-mail: mysin332@mail.ru

health culture synergistic polypositional and personality-activity based approach
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