Категория: Литература


Автор: А. А. Джакаева

УДК 801.52

Dzhakaeva A.A., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Economics, Dagestan State University

(Makhachkala, Russia), E-mail: a.dzhakaeva.a@mail.ru

Aigubova S.S., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Economics, Dagestan State University

(Makhachkala, Russia), E-mail: soulless17@yandex.ru

STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF NUMERICAL COMBINATIONS IN KUMYK AND ENGLISH. The article explores a combination of a numeral and a noun, which are referred to differently in linguistic literature. The term "numerical combination" is preferred to, which means a combination where the numeral functions as a quantitative attribute of a noun. The main reason for the compatibility of a numeral with a noun is the credibility of the latter. The main models of numeric combinations in Kumyk and English are: "numeral + noun", "qualifier + numeral + noun", "numeral + (noun)". The latest model of numbering is an elliptical version of numbering with an omitted noun. The most common model of numbering combinations is "num. + noun", in which the numeral is mainly followed by the noun. The high frequency of this model is explained by the very nature of numerals - to serve as a nomination for the number of specific objects. In the context between the numeral and the noun, other words may be used. The adjective component in these combinations correlates with nouns and does not affect the semantics of the numeral. Numerical combinations can have special elements with them that correlate with the components of these combinations and in a special way affect the implementation of the value of the quantity.

А.А. Джакаева, канд. филол. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный университет», Е-mail: a.dzhakaeva.a@mail.ru

С.С. Айгубова, канд. филол. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный университет», E-mail: soulless17@yandex.ru


В статье подвергаются исследованию сочетания числительного и существительного, которые в лингвистической литературе именуются по-разному. В данной работе отдается предпочтение термину «нумеральное сочетание», под которым понимается сочетание, где числительное функционирует в качестве количественного атрибута существительного. Основной причиной сочетаемости числительного с существительным является считаемость последнего. Основными моделями нумеральных сочетаний в кумыкском и английском языках являются следующие: «числительное + существительное», «спецификатор + числительное + существительное», «числительное + (существительное)». Последняя модель нумерального сочетания - элиптизированный вариант нумерального сочетания с опущенным существительным. Самой распространенной моделью нумеральных сочетаний является «числ. + сущ.», в которой за числительным в основном следует существительное. Высокая частотность данной модели объясняется самой природой числительных - служить номинацией числа конкретных предметов. В контексте между числительным и существительным могут употребляться другие слова. Адъективный компонент в этих сочетаниях соотносится с существительными и на семантику числительного не влияет. Нумеральные сочетания могут иметь при себе специальные элементы, соотносящиеся с компонентами этих сочетаний и особым образом влияющие на реализацию значения количества.

The numerals of the mapped languages have some common features in their origin, formation and functioning. Numerals are the most abstracted part of speech by value, they express the abstract idea of number, indicate the number of objects, their distance from unity.

In combination with a noun, numerals form combinations that have the following names in linguistic literature: "quantitative-nominal combinations" [1], "integral quantitative-subject unity" [2], "single semantic syntactic unity" [3], "syntactic indivisible combinations" [4], "indecomposable quantitative combination", "numerical combination". In this paper, preference is given to the last term - a numerical combination. Numerical combination is a combination in which a numeral acts as a quantitative attribute, realizing a numerical representation of objects from a variety of their like.

Numeral combinations are the composite name of the designated fragment of reality in its quantitative representation. Quantitative attribution discards qualitative differences between the individual elements of the class, which are homogeneous, differing in quantitative relations [5, p. 168]. The semantic core of numbering combinations is the noun, the defining word is the numeral. The main reason for the compatibility of a numeral with a noun is the countability of the latter, i.e., the separability of a class into elements, the discontinuity of a subject class, the qualitative uniformity of objects, or the commonality of a feature by which class representatives are equated.

In English and Kumyk, the main models of numeric combinations are: numeral + noun, qualifier + numeral + noun, numeral + (noun). The latest model of numbering is an elliptical version of numbering with a omitted noun. The most common, basic model of numbering combinations is "num. + noun.", which can expand due to an additional component, qualifier, and also narrow down when a designated (quantifiable) object is skipped. Each of the models is characterized by specific features, occurrence, semantic capacity, and relationships with other models [6].

The most common model of numbering combinations is "num. + noun", in which the numeral is mainly followed by the noun, for example: он гиlми "ten people" , sku cé3" two words "/ eleven years, seven Negroes, etc. The high frequency of this model is explained by the nature of the numerals - to serve nomination of the number of specific items. Numerals are rarely combined with other parts of speech, but combinations of numerals with pronouns are possible: гbар ywmwmcK)" every third "/ every third, with the pretexts: 6еmге" by five "/ by five.

Numerals enter structural relationships with nouns of various semantic groups. In English and Kumyk languages, there are four groups of combinations "num. + noun." (number + noun 1, number + noun 2, number + noun 3, number + noun 4), depending on the membership of the lexical-semantic group of the noun - the semantic core of the combination. Common feature of these groups is that they are formed analytically

and represent a convenient structural-semantic form for implementing quantitative information about the reported object of reality.

According to the classification of S.D. Katznelson, the model "num. + noun 1" actualizes the nouns corresponding to the names of living beings - persons and non-faces, and in the model "num. + noun 2" the names of objects (natural and artifacts) are realized. For example: эки йымырткъа "two eggs" / two eggs, уьч оьзен "three rivers" / three rivers, миллион юлдуз "one million stars" / million stars, etc.

It is common to both Kumyk and English numerals that they are able to be combined both with the names of specific objects and with abstract nouns.

The third group of combinations "num. + noun 3" corresponds with the names of phenomena, processes, events: бир четимлик "one obstacle", эки ярыш "two competitions" / one answer, two directions, etc. This group of numerical combinations is inactive compared to the previous ones, which is explained by selectivity of numerals, their specificity combined with the names of specific objects.

Model "num. + noun 4" differs from previous models in semantic filling. In it both components actualize the value of quantity: the numeral realizes the meaning of the number, and the noun realizes the meaning of the number or dimension. For example: уьч дужун "three dozens", дёрт метр "four meters" , он сантиметр "ten centimeters", алты бочка "six barrels"/ five acres, two dozens, two pairs, three years, fifty pounds, four bushels, three scores , fifty yards, etc.

If "num. 4" correlates with considered objects, then it acts as a counting word, if it correlates with the names of objects that are not amenable to counting, but only to measurement, it performs the function of a word of measure or mass. Thus, the model "num. + noun 4" can be presented in an expanded form: "number + noun countable" and "num. + noun uncountable". Counted names are objects that form sets. Uncountable ones are material, names and words of abstract meaning realized through conditional quantification. The names of measures and masses are concretized by means of a numeral. Such a case is also called indirect counting at the syntagmatic level: эки пут алтын "three ounces of gold" / three ounces of gold, two bushels of coal, etc.

Model "num. + noun 4" in the compared languages is characterized by increased frequency. The interconnection of the quantitative components of combinations of this type follows from semantic consistency, since both components express the same quantity, each of them semantically complements each other.

"Numerals + noun. 4" correlates with the following lexical-semantic classes:

a) units of measure type: миля "mile", метр "meter", сантиметр "centimeter", километр "kilometer" / mile, yard, inch, foot, fathom, acre.

b) mass units of the type: килограмм "kilogram", тонна "ton" / ounce, pound, ton, bushel, hundred weight.

c) currency units: манат "ruble", кепек "penny" / pound, shilling, dollar, pence.

d) time units: day / гюн "day", month / ай "month", minute / минут "minute", second / секунд "second", year / йыл "year".

e) indicators, results, assessments: балл "score", очко (утуш) "point", гол "goal", къыймат "mark, score" / point, score, mark.

In the context between the numeral and the noun, other words can be used, such as эки алма терек "two apple trees", уьч уллу харбуз "three big watermelons" / three nice girls, two weak points, etc. The adjective component in these combinations is related to nouns and does not affect the semantics of the numeral (later this component is not considered). Structurally similar versions of the model "num. + noun. " are made out differently in the English and Kumyk languages, as evidenced by the syntactic relations realized in the context between the components of num-berical combinations.

According to the type of connection with the defined word, the numerals of the English language are divided into two unequal groups. The first group includes the numeral "one," and the second one includes all other numerals that actualize the meaning of multiplicity in its concrete manifestation. Nouns adjacent to the numerals of the second group have a plural paradigm. Any numeral in combinations of this type can be replaced by the pronoun "many", while the form of the defined noun does not change. In English and Kumyk, in numeric combinations, the numeral (unchanged in the English language) is adjacent to the noun. For example: уьч карандаш "three pencils" / three pencils, эки китап "two books"/ two books, етти машин "seven cars"/ seven cars, юз орам "one hundred streets"/one hundred streets, etc. In these combinations the noun acts as a semantic and grammatical center.

The common feature of the Kumyk and English languages is the semantic redundancy of numbering combinations [7, p. 67] when expressing the value of quantity: the numeric values of quantity are realized by lexical means, nouns by lexical and grammatical means. The meaning of singularity in numerical combinations is intensified, and the meaning of multiplicity is concretized. For example: бир китап "one book" / one book, къырк китап "forty books" / forty books, etc. The grammatical form of the words китап "books" implements the meaning of plurality, which is lexically specified by the numerals къырк "forty" / forty.

The numerical combination model "num. + noun." can actualize, along with the exact quantitative value, the value of an indefinitely large or spider (insignificant) set, the implementation of which depends on the occupancy of the model, the nature of the determined noun. For example: Two heads are better than one (proverb).

The emphaticity of the reported information depends on the violation of the quantitative presentation. The language of poetic works is fertile ground for the expression of numerals inaccurate numbers. In a "fairy-tale" context, the exact numeric value is obscured, the use of numerals to mean "a lot", "a lot", "and even more": "I&m not a mile high," said Alice. "You are," said the King. "Nearly two miles high," added the queen [8].

Numerical combinations can carry special elements with them that correlate with the components of these combinations and in a special way affect the implementation of the quantity value. Mostly, these elements are played by adverbs, pronouns and adjectives: ахырынчы эки де абат "last two steps" / last two steps, шо эки де канал

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"those two channels", etc. For example: Энни шо эки де къапны да тюшюрюгюз, дей атлы, къолун узатып гёрсетип. [9] "Now remove those two bags," the rider says, pointing with his hand. "It&s a disease of the last five thousand years [10].

The numeral of the English and Kumyk languages can act not only as a quantitative determinant, but also as a subject, complement, predicate, adverbial modifier, provided that the identified noun is missing or implicit in the situation. For example: Элли манат къазангъан, шогъар да, къайтывда базаргъа гирип, шу ашны алып гелген экен. [9] "He earned fifty rubles, for this money, returning, went to the market and bought this food" / I could buy for ten thousand. That would only be four hundred a year. But I should have to pay a thousand a year rent, and that would only leave me five hundred [10].

In linguistic literature, combinations of the type "num. + (noun)" is called elliptic [11, p. 81], ellipted phrases with "omitted" signs [12]. These combinations express the quantities and imply the names of the missing defined objects, persons / faces, events, phenomena and other quantitative words [13, p. fifty]. G. Sweet notes: "Numerals are used in a variety of elliptical constructions, such as a man of thirty (years of age), a carriage and five (horses), at ten (o&clock) [11, p. 81].

These constructions are the result of phrases reduction, but the reduction of units of the plan of expression does not entail a change in the content side of the number combination. Modification of changes leads to a reduction of two positions "num. + noun." to one + (n.). At the same time, semantic wholeness prevails over structural separateness. Elliptical numerical combinations illustrate the semantic equality of the part to the whole. Such constructions are rare in the Kumyk language.

In such examples of truncated numerical combinations, attention is concentrated on numerical designations (people, time, age, prices, etc.), and numerals act as substitutes for the whole combination.

Without a noun, a numeral can be used in a specific context, when counting in operations on numbers. Numerals act as carriers of an abstract, countable-numerical concept in mathematical and other texts identical in nature, for example. The isolated use of the numeral (number) and the elliptical combination of "number + (n.)" is a case of structural homonymy. The identity of the external plane of expression does not imply semantic equality. The numeral functions in speech in operations on abstract numbers, while the "number. + (n.)" acts as a substitute, a symbol of the full combination of "numeral + noun", indicating the identity of the elements "number. + noun." = Number + (n.). A typological study of the object shows that in the English and Kumyk languages similar models of numerical combinations are implemented: "num. + noun", "num. + (n.)", "qualifier + num. + noun". Structural modifications of the models are explained by the action of linguistic factors and implementation conditions.

The common feature of the languages being compared is the identical tendency to implement models in speech: the most frequent model is "num. + noun.", the least used is "specifier + num. + noun". The noun defined by the numerals correlates, as already noted above, with four lexical and semantic classes: names of objects, artifacts, phenomena, events, and numbers. The high frequency of the "num. + noun. 4" and the low frequency of the model "num. + noun. 3" is common to the compared languages.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 13.05.20

нумеральные сочетания существительное числительное количество numerical combinations noun numeral quantity
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