Категория: Литература


Автор: Tashdjanova Gulnora Altibayevna



Tashdjanova Gulnora Altibayevna School №11, Zangiota District tashdj anova@gmail .com

Abstract: In this article have studied forming communicative competence, problem and recommendation in educational institutes of learners.



Ташжанова Гулнора Алтибаевна Зангиота тумани, №11-мактаб tashdj anova@gmail .com

Аннотация: Ушбу маколада таълим муассасаларида укувчиларнинг коммуникатив компетенциясини шаклантириш жараёнидаги айрим муаммо ва тавсиялар урганилган.

Калит сузлар: чет тил, коммунакатив ёндашув, компетенция, узлуксиз таълим, педагогик муаммо, замонавий таълим, сузларга изох,, таккослаш, куникма, билим, малака.



Ташджанова Гульнора Алтибаевна Школа №11, Зангиатинский район tashdj anova@gmail .com

Аннотация: В этой статье изучено проблемы и рекомендации формирование коммуникативый компетенции учащихся в учебный заведение.

The use of the term speech production skills in methods of teaching the English language was made possible by the results obtained by psychologists and psycholinguists, reveal the mechanism of interdependence and relationships between the elements of the triad language - thinking - speech. Consequently, the fact that psycho-pedagogical and psycholinguistic message calls speech production skills in language teaching methods qualify as speech skills. Their methodical in tradition can be divided into regulatory and communication skills. Modern methods of teaching the English language a study containing communicative abilities of an integrated system, which are formed with a differentiated and interconnected training students to all kinds of speech activity, combined ...understanding of the procedures, without which it can not take place communication and, therefore, can not be knowledge.

Among the communication skills it is advisable to distinguish between speech production actions to ensure the perception, understanding, interpretation and transformation of the presented information, and speech production actions to ensure the production of information. Direction speech production actions carried out in receptive types of speech activity, from information to its destination in the productive forms - from the author to the information. It has knowledge and experience in which someone. It has good knowledge. Methodical science under the competence understood as a set of knowledge, skills and language skills.

These concepts are differentiated as follows: competence - it complex knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the course, and which constitutes a substantial component competence - it is the peculiarity of personality, determining its ability to perform activities on the basis of the generated competence.

Communicative competence in foreign language teaching - a combination of knowledge of the language system and its units, their construction and operation in a speech on how to formulate thoughts in the target language and understanding the judgments of others, on the national and cultural peculiarities of the carriers studied language, about the specifics of the different types of discourse ; it is the ability to learn the language means to carry out communication in various types of speech activity in accordance with the decisive communicative tasks, understand, interpret and produce coherent speech.

The methods of teaching the native language communicative competence - the ability and a real willingness to communicate adequately targets areas and situations of communication, a willingness to voice interaction and mutual understanding [2, 27.].

As a kind of synthesis of substantive content of the term communicative competence perceived definition of belonging M.R. Lvov. The dictionary-reference book on methods of teaching the English language, he writes: Communicative competence - a term denoting the knowledge of the language (native and non-native),

its phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, style, speech culture, possession of these means of language and speech mechanisms - speaking, listening, reading and writing - in the range of social, professional and cultural needs of the person. One of the most important characteristics of the language of personality. It is acquired as a result of natural speech and as a result of special education.

Moulded communication skills in a program of English language reflected unequally: verbal communication skills incarnation get productive kinds of speech activity, the basis of which the production of oral and written statements connected with different genre and stylistic and typological affiliation. In this case, the sum of the false notion of communicative skills that are associated only with the mechanism of the production of coherent speech.

For the subjects of communication are equally important communication skills in receptive types of speech activities, the effectiveness of which depends on the person&s ability to perceive and understand spoken and written language of others, adequately react to it properly converting the perceived information to use to solve their own communicative tasks. These skills often are not fixed in the relevant paragraphs of the program, which allowed us to focus on the specifics of the communicative abilities addressee. What sort of communicative abilities in receptive types of speech activity must have native speakers? The results of psycho-pedagogical and psycholinguistic research, giving an answer to the question, are widely used in the practice of teaching foreign languages and can be used provided that they are correct and in the methods of teaching the mother tongue.

Formation of communicative abilities at training listening. The hearing receptive intellectually-mnemonic activity,- Perception, understanding and processing of information perceived by ear - It can be achieved provided the ability to listen (recipient speech) communication skills:

• focus on the content of the text based communication setup (remember the information to answer the question, evaluate the arguments, etc.);

• Member of the text into meaningful parts, identifying the main idea of each of them;

• synthesize a condensed content of the text - it s the theme set the main idea of the text as a whole;

• keep the memory content of the text (fixed in the course of its hearings bearing the words on the basis of their plan to make the text; play logical-compositional structure of the text, etc.);

• recognize the pragmatic setting of the text;

• capture the means of expression of sounding speech. To test students& ability to fully understand the heard text using such control and diagnostic tasks:

• answers to questions on the text;

• preparation of a detailed plan;

• paraphrase statements perceived as planned.

Formation of communicative skills in teaching reading. The purpose of reading, analytical and synthetic activities - perception, understanding and active processing of written text - can be achieved, provided the account type read by the target setting (trial, study, search) and the formation of the general communicative skills:

• The theme of the text, the sub-theme, used for its deployment, the main idea of the text;

• evaluate information text on its importance to the disclosure of the theme (main/secondary);

• to identify the structural and logical parts of the text, to comprehend their content and establish relationships between them. When training for informational reading popular science text mode once perceived lack of time to in information, and the ability to form:

• predict the content of a small amount of text on the title, the whole works - the table of contents;

• distinguish between primary and secondary information constituting the content of the text;

• to understand the text to use the reference and keyword suggestions;

• on the basis of reading to do, summarize findings;

• capture valuable information text differs novelty.

To educate the student for the reading shall be subject to other conditions: the text of artistic, scientific or journalistic style is perceived by students without time constraints with the installation of its exact reproduction, aided by the ability to reaccess the text. Studied the reading is based on such communicative skills:

• Assess the importance of information for the implementation of the author&s intention;

• seek to understand the content of the text in full;

• Identify the relationship of conditionality between the semantic elements of the

• identify structural and logical text type, given the content of its parts;- find the information is relevant to a particular problem, based on the content of standard introductions fragments;

• predict the content of the other parts of the text;

• prepare working papers on the text with the definition of parts that require a more detailed study. Thus, communication skills form a dichotomous opposition, organizing science system of language: communication skills addressee opposed communicative skills of the author. Said opposition is neutralized in the language of the person, in some speech situations serving as the addressee, in others - its

manufacturer. Therefore, the effectiveness of speech activity of a native speaker is directly dependent on the quality of formation as a intro subjective and ekstra subjective communicative abilities, as the communicative abilities of the recipient, and communicative skills of the author.


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4. Гальскова, Н.Д., Гез, Н.И. Теория обучения иностранным языкам. Лингводидактика и методика: учеб.пособие для студ. лингв. ун-тов и фак. ин. яз. высш. пед. учеб. Заведений / Н.Д. Гальскова, Н.И. Гез. - 3-е изд., стер. - М.: Издательский центр "Академия", 2006. -336 с._
foreign language communicative approach continuous education pedagogical problem competence education definition the words compare acquirement knowledge
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